Unquestionably the most versatile and popular of all essential oils, lavender is best known for its excellent skin healing properties and its deeply calming and soothing qualities. Gentle and balancing, lavender oil nourishes and supports the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems, and enhances muscle and joint health. Lavender is often known as the "first aid kit in a bottle".
Lavender is calming and regenerating on the nervous system, and is used to promote restful sleep. The scent of lavender typically encourages a serene state of mind and therefore creates a comforting, nurturing effect, supporting both deep relaxation and emotional upliftment. Lavender's fresh, yet sweet and floral aroma helps soothe the body and mind. It is often used in aroma diffusers, vaporisers and candles for relaxation.
In skincare, it is ideal for helping to heal cuts, burns and bruises as well as reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by tightening the skin. It has a harmonising effect, balances the production of sebum from oil glands making it beneficial for dry and oily skins, for psoriasis (scaly patches), acne, eczema and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties.
When applied through massage applications the aroma of Lavender alone is enough to calm and reduce anxiety, soothes and relaxes the entire body.
Lavender is also known to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properites useful for treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches, pains and sports injury.
Lavender is suitable for children too. A few drops in a child's bath at night will promote restful sleep.
With so many exceptional benefits, Lavender is a must in your collection of essential oils!